The church is registered in National Alliance "United Churches of God",
as well as the churches in our region that we take care about.
The church consists of repented newborn christians and friends of faith.
We preach the whole Gospel and we strive for living our lives as we
preach. This way we comply with apostle Paul's appeal for sound doctrine
and protect from "fables". We seek to draw from the depths of wisdom and
simultaneously emphasize practical christianity, because God has called
us to holiness, and it is not just a theoretical concept. Holiness
requires moral life, honesty in everything, active love and active
ministry and evangelism. Therefore we encourage the community of
believers to respond to God's love with love and keep away from sins
("If ye love me, keep my commandments" - John
Evangelization is the great commission of Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore,
we aim to preach the gospel not only in a narrow range around ourselves,
but if there is an opportunity we evangelize large neighborhoods or
entire villages. The number of groups is 10 - 12 to 40 people.
Northwestern Bulgaria is in unenviable economic situation. Most of the
believers are unemployed or have no secure income and survive with
prayer, faith and God's providence. Churches are supported by voluntary
donations of their members, guests and friends, according to the
principle "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing"
remembering that "he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully".
We are ready to lend a hand for salvation and help of individuals and
groups or churches, if necessary, within our possibilities. We are open
for fellowship with similar fraternal churches for common events and
growth in the faith.